What Surprising Movie Inspired the Creation of a Popular Candy?

Category: Movies > Cinema

One fascinating connection between cinema and popular culture involves the creation of the candy M&M's. During World War II, Forrest Mars, the son of the founder of Mars Company, collaborated with Bruce Murrie, the son of Hershey's founder, to develop a chocolate candy coated in a thin shell that would prevent it from melting in the heat. This innovation was partly inspired by the iconic scene in the 1935 film "The Godfather," where the character Vito Corleone famously says, "Leave the gun, take the cannoli." This phrase not only encapsulated the duality of his character but also highlighted how movies can influence product development and marketing strategies. M&M's quickly became a staple in American candy culture, showcasing how a cinematic moment can leave a lasting impression on consumer products.

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