What is the Connection Between Quantum Physics and the Behavior of Superfluid Helium?

Category: Science > Superfluidity

One of the most intriguing phenomena in quantum physics is the behavior of superfluid helium, specifically helium-4, at temperatures close to absolute zero. In this state, helium exhibits zero viscosity, allowing it to flow without dissipating energy. This means it can climb up the walls of its container and even flow through tiny openings that would typically be too small for it to pass through. The superfluid state arises due to the quantum mechanical principles that allow a significant number of helium-4 atoms to occupy the same quantum state, leading to macroscopic quantum phenomena. This behavior not only defies classical physics but also provides profound insights into the nature of quantum mechanics, making superfluid helium a subject of intense study and fascination in the field of low-temperature physics.

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