What Is the World's Most Dangerous Road for Travelers?

Category: Travel > Adventure

One of the most dangerous roads in the world is the North Yungas Road in Bolivia, often referred to as "Death Road." This 43-mile stretch connects La Paz to Coroico and is notorious for its narrow, winding paths that cling to the cliffs of the Andes mountains, with sheer drops of up to 2,000 feet. The road's precarious nature is exacerbated by the frequent rains that create mudslides, as well as its lack of guardrails. Despite the inherent dangers, the road has become a popular destination for thrill-seeking cyclists who, with proper precautions, take on the challenge of navigating its treacherous turns while enjoying stunning views of the surrounding landscapes. In recent years, improvements have been made, and alternative routes have reduced traffic on the North Yungas Road, but it remains a testament to the extremes of adventure travel.

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